Head, Face, Jaw, Ear & Eye
- Pain at the back of the head
- Vertex Pain, Pain at the top of the head
- Temple Pain
- Forehead Pain
- Mandible Pain and/or Facial Pain
- Temporomandibular Joint Pain
- Ear Pain
- Eye Pain & Eyebrow Pain
- Molar Pain
- Incisor Pain
- Red eyes
- Ptosis / Falling of the upper eyelid
- Watering eye
- Double vision, blurred vision, diminished light perception.
- Blurred vision on close subjects.
- Tinnitus
Sensory disturbances
- Tingling in the face
- Numbness at the back of the head
Movement Impairments
- Impairments & pain when opening the TM Joint
- Asymmetric TMJ closure & TMJ popping