Table of contents

Solutions for pain, movement impairments & (inexplicable) symptoms



  • Pain at the side of the thigh
  • Pain at the inside of the thigh
  • Pain at the back of the thigh
  • Pain at the front of the thigh

Movement Impairments & Painful Movements

  • Pain at the outside of the thigh during walking
  • Pain at the back of the thigh during walking


  • Burning thigh



  • Pain at the outside of the knee
  • Anterior Knee Pain / Patellofemoral Pain
  • Pain on the inside of the knee
  • Pain behind the knee / pain in the hollow of the knee

Movement Impairments & Painful Movements

  • Pain behind the knee during climbing stairs or walking


  • Weak knees & weakness during knee extension

Jane Moore, Park City, Utah, USA

I recently purchased several of your eBooks because of their depth and clarity, not only throughout the text, but in the many photos and illustrations.

You first helped me when I was looking for a solution to an acute lower-back/hip/walking-pain problem.

With your guidance, I discovered what was going on and how to correct it, and I cannot thank you enough!

Three step solution for Knee & Thigh Pain

Below I will show you how easy and fast you can help yourself with my eBook.

  • 1. Choose your pain
  • 2. Identify potentially responsible muscles and trigger points
  • 3. Treat these muscles and trigger points

Look inside below